How to Get / Install Correct Driver For Galaxy Nexus! [GSM,Verizon,Sprint] [Windows]

This guide will show you the complete step by step guide on how to install the correct drivers for your Windows computer. Note: Mac and Linux users do not need to install any drivers. Installing the correct drivers for your Galaxy Nexus phone will allow you to root your phone, get ClockworkMod Recovery on your phone, and much more!

1. Plug your phone into your computer (make sure you phone is turned on)

2. Download and open Nexus Toolkit here:

--> Download Galaxy Nexus ToolKit v7.8.0.exe
3. You have options for GSM Unlocked, GSM USA, CDMA LTE Verizon, and CDMA LTE Sprint. Find the correct category for your phone.

4. In the subcategory you will see Android version and build number. To find the correct version and build number go into "Settings" on your phone then all the way down to "About Phone". You will see Android version and build number.

5. Select the correct number on the toolkit and tap enter

6. Now press 1 and eneter to "Install/Uninstall Galaxy Nexus Drivers on your PC"

7. Select 1 or 2 and press entert. (If you have Vista or XP choose 1 and if you Windows 7 choose 2)

8. Wait until the process has finished and you will get a message saying it was successful or it might have failed. If it said it failed 90% of the time it still works. So unplug and plug your phone back in and see if it correct installed.

9. If it still didn't install correctly then wait until it goes back to the main menu

10. Choose 1 enter then 3 enter.

11. Follow the direction on that page and you should have the drivers installed. If the drivers still didn't install correctly then download and install PDAnet on your computer and that program will install the correct drivers.
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